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Carolina wins grant for undergraduate climate change research in Ecuador

February 20, 2023

UNC-Chapel Hill has been selected to receive a grant from the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Fund. With this funding, students at UNC and Universidad San Francisco de Quito will conduct climate change research and continue to build upon the universities’ strategic partnership.

Surveying the parks

February 6, 2023

Senior Julia Elliott spent a semester learning about coastal ecology and policy with the Park Service at the Outer Banks Field Site.

Black opera enters a golden age

February 6, 2023

Artists debut new works about Black culture and history while scholars like Naomi André rediscover pieces long hidden in segregation’s shadows.

Behind the scenes of a Galapagos research expedition

February 1, 2023

In November 2022, a research team from the Center for Galapagos Studies embarked on a marine expedition to the Galapagos Islands. This photo essay allows a behind the scenes look at their trip.

Bloomable robot, folding electronics enhance patient treatment

January 25, 2023

A research team including Wubin Bai, assistant professor in the department of applied physical sciences, has developed “bloomable” robots, microelectronics that fold to fit inside catheters for more effective and safer implementation.

Becoming a Tar Heel abroad

January 25, 2023

Jackson Holmes spent his first semester as a Tar Heel studying at the University of Stirling in Scotland as part of the Carolina Global Launch program.