Fine Arts & Humanities
View a list of departments in fine arts & humanities.

On Being Human
As many scholars identify what makes humans similar to other creatures, UNC philosophy professor Susan Wolf strives to discover other attributes that make us unique.

Frank Bruni to deliver Spring Commencement address
New York Times opinion writer, acclaimed author and Carolina alumnus Frank Bruni will return to Chapel Hill to address the Class of 2022.

Making data science connections
Whether the research involves satirical French cartoons, mutating tumors or ancient Greek tombstones, three Carolina faculty say using datasets opens doors to discovery.

#GDTBATH: Emily Madrzykowski
Emily Madrzykowski had dreams of becoming a tour guide even before becoming a Tar Heel. Now an admissions ambassador, she guides prospective students through campus, sharing the Carolina story along the way.

Two faculty awarded NEH grants
Awards will fund a digital monograph on the poet Langston Hughes and development of a critical game studies curriculum.

Tar Heels serve as mentors, music teachers in Musical Empowerment
Led by Carolina students, Musical Empowerment provides one-on-one music lessons for nearly 130 underserved children in the Chapel Hill and Carrboro community.

PlayMakers Repertory Company Presents “Stick Fly” by Lydia R. Diamond
The “dramedy” explores the timeless theme of family ties that challenge, delight and frustrate as the LeVay brothers return to the family beach house with their new girlfriends. On-stage performances will begin on Tuesday, Jan 25.