College News

Innovative faculty enrich learning through global collaboration
Whether the subject is music, medical anthropology or the business of health care, UNC COIL courses connect students with the world.

Graduate students selected for Impact, Horizon awards
Graduate students and recent graduate alumni within numerous UNC-Chapel Hill programs earn honors for their research..

UNC-Chapel Hill joins international consortium to tackle the crisis of coral bleaching
New common framework developed by a team of top scientists will help research into climate-threatened ocean reefs around the world.

Two Tar Heels named Rhodes Scholars
Peter Andringa and Sarah Mackenzie are Carolina’s 50th and 51st Rhodes Scholars. The world’s oldest international fellowship award, the Rhodes Scholarship funds study at the University of Oxford in England.

Arts innovator Gage Tarlton debuts new play Nov. 28
Tarlton will present a virtual reading of his new play, “sons that wear dresses and mothers that love sweet potatoes.” “It’s about losing everything and moving forward anyway. It’s about accepting the fact that life is never going to go as planned. It’s about finding the beauty in change.”

A renewed commitment to study the science of moral understanding
Through the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding, UNC-Chapel Hill scholars are undertaking critical and timely research to understand what drives intolerance and how to address it.

New gift endows and names the College of Arts & Sciences deanship
Craver family deanship will advance scholarship, discovery, strategic priorities.
Looking for College stories older than 2020? Visit our news archive.
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