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Carolina's Top Ten Majors

Carolina’s top 10 majors

Take a look at what many of our 4,068 graduating seniors from the Class of 2021 studied at Carolina. These numbers reflect first majors only.

Using neuroscience to help others

Daniel Ogunbamowo, once at risk of flunking out of school, turned his life around, got accepted to Carolina on a Morehead-Cain Scholarship and has continued to seize every opportunity since.

Savannah Netwon peaks from behind a flowering bush in the Coker Arboretum. Photo by Donn Young.

A passion for social justice

Savannah Newton has spent years volunteering with a human relations nonprofit based in Greensboro. She is helping a professor study the impact of COVID-19 on precarious workers in New York City.

Book cover of "Putting Skill to Work" on the left; photo of Nichola Lowe on the right standing on a staircase. Photo of Lowe by Alyssa LaFaro.

Bookmark This

Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni. This month’s featured book: “Putting Skill to Work: How to Create Good Jobs in Uncertain Times” by Nichola Lowe.

A screenshot on Google Earth of Bahrain and its surrounding geography

The anthropology of air conditioning in the Arab Gulf

Marwa Koheji was awarded a CURS-supported National Science Foundation dissertation grant to investigate how and why air conditioning has become so popular in Bahrain.

Glenn Hinson surrounded by a blue background.

‘The wonder that’s there’

In the Last Lecture for the Class of 2021, associate professor and folklorist Glenn Hinson shared lessons learned in a life of collecting the stories of others.

On the left, photo of Arturo Escobar, on the right book cover for his book titled Pluriversal Politics

Escobar elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Arturo Escobar, Kenan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at UNC-Chapel Hill, was elected to the 2021 class of  the American Academy of Arts & Sciences on April 22.