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Carolina alumna builds community for grad students

September 22, 2021

Yesenia Pedro Vicente came to Carolina for her undergrad as a “first-generation everything.” Now, she has returned to the University to help underrepresented graduate students navigate obstacles.

Seeking Justice

July 26, 2021

UNC folklorist Glenn Hinson and students provided research that informed the re-enactment this summer of a 1921 Warren County court trial where 16 Black men were unfairly accused after being threatened by a white mob.

Rising senior gives back to local Japanese families

July 19, 2021

Alyssa Cooper has been working with Southern Bridge International’s Prego Club, which focuses on helping pregnant or post-partum Japanese women in the Triangle navigate the American medical system.

‘The wonder that’s there’

April 23, 2021

In the Last Lecture for the Class of 2021, associate professor and folklorist Glenn Hinson shared lessons learned in a life of collecting the stories of others.