Helping Veterans Thrive
An empowering clinical outreach program at UNC-Chapel Hill offers veterans and first responders new hope through holistic health care.
An empowering clinical outreach program at UNC-Chapel Hill offers veterans and first responders new hope through holistic health care.
Use of the NFL’s mouthguard sensor at collegiate level will broaden, inform head injury reduction efforts for elite athletes.
Jason Mihalik and Johna Register-Mihalik — both exercise and sport science professors —met and got married at Carolina. They’ve since gained tenure and now oversee innovative and complementary research programs within the field of sports-related concussion.
Decades before he became UNC’s chancellor, neuroscientist Kevin Guskiewicz strived to create the playbook for preventing and treating concussions — and changed the game forever.
A $12.5 million gift from the Avalon Network will establish the THRIVE Program in the College of Arts & Sciences’ Matthew Gfeller Center.