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Virtual rehabilitation

June 14, 2024

Fear of reinjury can greatly increase an athlete’s chances of getting hurt again – but VR techniques developed by Shelby Baez can get them back in the game.

The Father Effect

October 3, 2023

Shauna Cooper in the department of psychology and neuroscience has spent over a decade studying Black fathers and their roles in child development.

Taylor Elgin is upward bound

August 15, 2023

This first-year Covenant Scholar from Ashe County rang up groceries while pursuing her college dream.

Farmer named 2023 Charles B. Rangel Fellow

March 7, 2023

Tatiana Farmer ’20 has been selected as a 2023 fellow for the prestigious Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program. She will begin her multi-year fellowship this summer as an intern in Washington, D.C. working with members of Congress on international issues.   

Meet a new Tar Heel: Roberto Escobar

August 8, 2022

After a 20-year career in the Marines, Roberto Escobar will begin a new chapter of his professional life this week as he becomes a Tar Heel.