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Maymester course turns Tar Heels into scriptwriters

June 6, 2022

Students in Maymester’s “Writing for the 30-Minute Comedy” course collaborated with Tar Heels from “Acting for the Camera” and “Directing for the Camera” to write and produce scenes for a sitcom in just three weeks.

The acting class for non-actors

August 5, 2021

William Shakespeare famously captured the theatricality of life when he wrote, “All the world’s a stage,” and this summer, Carolina students enrolled in the drama elective “Beginning Acting for Non-Drama Majors” have been learning just how apt that maxim is.

Learning behind the laughter

June 24, 2021

In Associate Professor Michelle Robinson’s American studies Maymester course, “Comedy and Ethics,” students explored how stand-up comedy enriches American culture and sparks ethical discussions, all while making people laugh.