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Bookmark This

April 8, 2022

For Arts Everywhere Day, we are delighted to highlight this month’s featured book for “Bookmark This”: “A History of the Theatre Costume Business: Creators of Character” by Triffin I. Morris, Gregory DL Morris and Rachel E. Pollock. Triffin Morris and Rachel Pollock are with PlayMakers Repertory Company and the department of dramatic art.

Bookmark This

August 6, 2021

Bookmark This is a monthly feature that highlights new books by College people. This month’s featured book: “PlayMakers Repertory Company: A History,” edited by Bobbi Owen and Adam Versényi.

The acting class for non-actors

August 5, 2021

William Shakespeare famously captured the theatricality of life when he wrote, “All the world’s a stage,” and this summer, Carolina students enrolled in the drama elective “Beginning Acting for Non-Drama Majors” have been learning just how apt that maxim is.