Writing and Learning Center starts students off right
The center’s academic coaches, peer tutors and writing coaches are ready to help Tar Heels create a plan for a great semester ahead.
The center’s academic coaches, peer tutors and writing coaches are ready to help Tar Heels create a plan for a great semester ahead.
As part of teaching associate professor Marc Cohen’s writing and rhetoric course, they met a rock band and went to a concert.
The center’s academic coaches, peer tutors and writing coaches are ready to help Tar Heels create a plan for a great semester ahead.
Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts and Sciences faculty and alumni. The December featured book is “Colonial Reckoning: Race and Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Cuba” (Duke University Press) by Louis A. Pérez Jr.
Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College faculty and alumni, published the first week of each month. This month’s featured book: “Everywhere You Don’t Belong” by Gabriel Bump, assistant professor of creative writing.
A music performance major, a vocal performance major and a theatre studies major reflect on their time at Carolina.