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The graduate students represent five academic departments in the College and will be working with local and national host organizations.

UNC Chapel Hill campus old well with student walking and branches in front with green leaves

The Bridge Beyond Carolina has officially launched, with the inaugural cohort of six students beginning their internships this summer. The program provides funding that allows students to pursue a non-faculty career by completing an internship outside the University that would otherwise be unpaid.

Although the program was designed with humanities and social science students in mind, this internship is open to doctoral students from any program who meet the eligibility criteria. This program does not fulfill graduate internship requirements, but it does allow students to apply their classroom knowledge in the real world, gaining valuable experience in their area of study. This experience can provide a competitive advantage when students are searching for jobs.

The Graduate School offers exclusive opportunities with host organizations for UNC-Chapel Hill graduate students that can only be accessed through Bridge Beyond Carolina. Students can apply to one of these curated internship opportunities, or they may propose an internship project and host organization of their choosing. Once selected for the Bridge Beyond Carolina program, all students receive the same benefits from the program.

2024 Bridge Beyond Carolina interns

Student  UNC-Chapel Hill Department  Internship Focus  Host Organization 
Brittany Hutchinson American Studies Digital Library Editor & Content Curator The National Humanities Center
Anna Broadwell-Gulde English & Comparative Literature Faculty & Graduate Student Professional Development The National Humanities Center
Braedan Lynn Political Science Cannabis Policy & Law Research Davis Legal PLLC
Lara Pur English & Comparative Literature Science & Technology Development NCBiotech
Sarah Brown Sociology SSES Justice Practice Area RTI International
Abbey Warchol History Academic Publishing The University of North Carolina Press*
 *This host was chosen by the student.

These individuals were awarded internships based on their readiness to productively use this time to carry out a well-articulated internship plan and explore definitive career and learning goals.

Support for student success

At the end of May, The Graduate School hosted a session for Bridge Beyond Carolina students and other interns to help prepare them for the months ahead.  The session included a self-assessment exercise led by local trainer Peter Metzner, followed by instruction from The Graduate School’s Katie Stember and Vanessa Doriott Anderson on dealing with culture shock, setting clear expectations with new supervisors, and increasing self-awareness. Additional sessions will be held throughout the summer to support students during their participation in the program.

Internships for summer 2024 are running now through mid-August. The application deadline for summer 2025 will be in late March.

By The Graduate School

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