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University Teaching Awards honor 25 standout educators

Selected from 588 nominations, the winners — many from the College of Arts and Sciences — are skilled instructors and “true champions of the student.”


University Teaching Awards honor 25 standout educators

Selected from 588 nominations, the winners — many from the College of Arts and Sciences — are skilled instructors and “true champions of the student.”

Photo of BeAM Design Innovation Hub

BeAM Design Innovation Hub: Where UNC’s boldest ideas take shape

The BeAM Design Innovation Hub bridges the gap between research and practical application, from creating devices for medical studies to designing engaging museum exhibits.

Close up of a gloved hand holding artifacts.

Centuries-old artifacts unearthed on campus

Earlier this week, grounds workers were digging in front of New East to install a new bench. Jon Marcoux ’08 (PhD), an associate professor and the director of Research Laboratories of Archaeology at Carolina, walked by, looked at the pile of dirt and knew it was worth a closer look.

Students at Honors Semester in London program in Spring 2023 (site visit to Stonehenge).

Opening doors for Carolina Covenant Scholars to participate in Honors Carolina global programs

Honors Carolina and the Carolina Covenant have announced the new Point to the Passer Awards, which provide funding for Carolina Covenant Scholars to study abroad or complete an internship in one of Honors Carolina’s global programs.    

Rebecca Lobach participates in a rope training exercise.

Carolina community remembers Rebecca Lobach

The Carolina community is mourning the loss of Black Hawk pilot and UNC-Chapel Hill graduate Capt. Rebecca Lobach.

Maya Berry stands in front of a colorful mural.

Bookmark This

Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College faculty and alumni, published the first week of each month. The February featured book is “Defending Rumba in Havana: The Sacred and the Black Corporeal Undercommons” by Maya J. Berry.

History department remembers James G. Ferguson Jr.

The department of history recently posted this memorial tribute to Jim Ferguson, who taught the beloved “EATS 101” class through Honors Carolina. Ferguson passed away on Jan. 27.




In the Media

Four actions to reduce social media risks for your child

Mitch Prinstein, Seters Distinguished Professor and co-director of the Winston National Center on Technology Use, Brain and Psychological Development, writes about how fighting big tech can feel overwhelming, but that small steps can make a difference. Prinstein recently presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos.


Read the article at Mashable

More in the Media


“Iraq: The Diplomatic and Military fight Against ISIS” with Stuart E. Jones: Feb. 13

Join UNC Global Affairs and the American Academy of Diplomacy for a Diplomatic Discussion with Stuart E. Jones, former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq (2014-2017) and Jordan (2011-2014). Jones with share insights on his time in Iraq, including supporting the U.S. military, responding to intense recruitment efforts from ISIS and the challenges of humanitarian aid. The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Nelson Mandela Auditorium of the FedEx Global Education Center.


Learn More


By the Numbers

undergraduate students
graduate students
faculty members
academic departments and curricula,
118 undergraduate programs of study
graduate programs ranked in the top 30
by U.S. News & World Report
of all Carolina students graduate with at least one major in the College
in research funding
of all undergraduate hours at Carolina are taught by College faculty