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Illuminating hidden Carolina voices through performance

November 9, 2021

“Voices: A Walking Tour” was a site-specific performance that took the shape of a contemplative walking tour of the Carolina campus after dark to discover hidden voices in the landscape. UNC faculty member Heather Tatreau shared her inspiration for the performance, with photos by Donn Young.

The 19th Amendment Project

February 24, 2020

UNC-Chapel Hill faculty-artists from drama, dance, music and visual arts will present four performances focused on the complex history of the 19th Amendment. These works-in-progress, presented as part of the UNC Process Series, commemorate the amendment’s 100th anniversary.

The 19th Amendment Project

February 24, 2020

UNC-Chapel Hill faculty-artists from drama, dance, music and visual arts will present four performances focused on the complex history of the 19th Amendment. These works-in-progress, presented as part of the UNC Process Series, commemorate the amendment’s 100th anniversary.