Logan Brackett received the 2021-2022 Award in Management in the College of Arts & Sciences for outstanding accomplishments in leadership and management.

Logan Brackett in the department of biology received the 2021-2022 Award in Management in the College of Arts & Sciences at a ceremony on May 25.
The award, established in 2005, is given annually to a business or administrative manager in the College in recognition of outstanding accomplishments, including leadership and teamwork; creativity, innovation and resourcefulness; technological expertise; and effective human resource and budget management.
Brackett was awarded the honor by Dean Terry Rhodes to rousing applause at the business managers meeting at the Genome Sciences courtyard on UNC’s campus. His colleagues in the biology department rushed out from inside the building to surprise him with cheers as he received the award.
“I am only here today because so many managers have taken time to give me advice and share their experiences,” said Brackett when he addressed his colleagues, award in hand. “Thank you to everyone who’s helped me along the way.”
Brackett became the department manager for biology – one of the University’s largest departments – in October 2020, filling a position that had been vacant for over a year. He quickly began advocating for his colleagues, bringing a creative, empathy-driven approach to a multitude of projects in his first year and a half with the department. He helped to establish a set schedule for faculty re-appointments and promotions. He increased morale by creating a plaque to honor and celebrate the recipients of the Biology Teaching Faculty of the Year Award. And by doing away with unused landline phones and bulletin boards, he used budget savings to beautify the department’s office area.
“Logan has been an outstanding addition to the biology team,” said Madeline Penksa, grant and research coordinator in the biology department. “His positive attitude and optimism motivates staff to do their best. He works hard every day to improve processes and reach equitable decisions.”
In addition to spearheading major projects, Brackett’s colleagues are quick to praise his friendly, professional demeanor, aptitude for active listening and ability to make those around him feel seen and appreciated.
“I can say without hesitation that Logan is extraordinarily accomplished, remarkably dedicated and very personable in his job,” said Steven Matson, professor of biology, in a nomination letter co-endorsed by over a dozen members of the department. “I can think of no one more deserving of this award this year.”
Kerry Bloom, distinguished professor of biology, added: “He values people first and foremost, irrespective of their position in the University hierarchy. In short, the world is a better place with Logan Brackett in it.”
Here are more comments from Brackett’s colleagues:
- “It is a constant reassurance knowing that we have a manager who supports us and is willing to assist us with any issues we may have. Logan has demonstrated his leadership skills and his ability to act as a liaison between faculty and staff time and time again.”
- “Logan more than stepped up to the challenge and his presence was felt immediately! He makes us see our potential as employees and takes the time to suggest classes we could take or things we can do to better ourselves.”
- “In these uncertain times of COVID… Logan has become the leader and healer we needed. He truly has gone the extra mile for the faculty and staff of biology, and he has lifted us all to be the proud and competent department that we know we can be.”
- “He is great at relating to people and being personable while maintaining a professional attitude and presence. He cares both about getting work done thoroughly and efficiently while caring about the individuals that he works with. He is truly one of the best managers I have ever worked with.”
- “He listens to each team member attentively to be sure that he understands the questions and is very decisive with his answers. He also has the ability to train/teach without making you feel that you are being taught.”
- “He immediately established a connection and rapport with staff and helped us rebuild what had been broken. Everyone felt seen, heard and valued.”