Dear colleagues,
With the start of classes today, we have officially launched the fall semester. I hope your summer was fruitful, relaxing and refreshing.
On Friday I spent the day with our newest faculty at the College’s New Faculty Orientation. Their interest and enthusiasm were unflagging — even after a full day of panel discussions and information sessions. We’re glad to have these stellar new talents finally on campus, joining their esteemed Carolina colleagues.
On Sunday we celebrated our first-years at New Student Convocation, and I saw some of you there, too. This year we are welcoming more than 4,700 new students and 1,000 transfer students. That’s 300 more than last year, for the largest class ever at Carolina.
Earlier in the day, I attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for our “new” Old Well, made more accessible with a ramp and other adjustments. The students are lined up this morning, as always, for that first sip.
Our dedicated staff members throughout the College were busy this summer keeping operations humming smoothly. I attended strategic planning retreats for several groups as they prepared for the coming year and beyond. I am always impressed by the thought and care that everyone, no matter their position, devotes to doing the best job possible.
For our faculty, in case you missed it: Late last month, we put out a call for faculty nominations for the new School of Civic Life and Leadership. Nominations are due Aug. 31, and you can see the call for nominations here. The focus for this initial call is for tenured faculty from the College.
I want to wish everyone well this semester in your teaching, research, scholarship, mentorship, advising and support work. You keep the College operating at its best and your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Go Heels,
James W.C. White
Craver Family Dean
College of Arts and Sciences