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headshot of Mohit Bansal
Mohit Bansal

John R. & Louise S. Parker Professor Mohit Bansal was recognized with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Young Alumnus Award for 2023.

Established in 2019, the Young Alumnus Award is conferred annually to two alumni “who are less than 40 years of age, and have contributed significantly to achieve exemplary recognition and distinguish themselves during the early stages of their career in their chosen domain, bringing glory to their alma mater.” IIT Kanpur is one of the most prestigious academic institutions in India, and thousands of its alumni are eligible for this award. Bansal received a bachelor of technology in computer science and engineering from IIT Kanpur in 2008.

“I am honored and humbled to receive the IIT Kanpur Young Alumnus Award from my alma mater, which has been an amazing source of mentors, friends, memories and important foundation/values,” Bansal said. “All the credit for this award goes to my students, collaborators and family!”

Bansal is a professor of computer science in UNC-Chapel Hill’s College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the director of the MURGe-Lab, part of the UNC-NLP Group. His lab undertakes research in natural language processing and multimodal machine learning, with a particular focus on grounded and embodied semantics; language and multimodal generation; and interpretable, generalizable and efficient deep learning.

Bansal is a recipient of numerous prestigious awards and fellowships, including the DARPA Director’s Fellowship, NSF Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, Google Focused Research Award, Microsoft Investigator Fellowship, Army Young Investigator Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award and several outstanding paper awards at conferences in natural language processing and computer vision.





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