College News

COVID-response collaborative blends data science, community wisdom
UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and graduate students create the I4 Boundary Spanners program to address local COVID-19 concerns by combining data analysis with firsthand community perspectives.

New year, new goals: How to break a bad habit
The start of the new year is a great time to pick up a new habit that’ll help you reach your goals. It’s also a chance to leave a bad habit behind. Both are equally hard, but Carolina social psychologist Steven Buzinski explains how you can do it.

Carolina Away expands for spring 2021
New courses, social hub activities give online program a fresh look, extend its reach beyond new students. (photo by Donn Young) Carolina Away, launched in fall 2020 to serve students new to UNC-Chapel Hill who needed an all-remote learning experience, will continue into spring 2021 with new courses, engaging new programming and a broader scope. The program will continue to … Read more

Bookmark This
Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni, published the first week of each month. Featured book: Ella Baker’s Catalytic Leadership: A Primer on Community Engagement and Communication for Social Justice (University of California Press) by Patricia S. Parker.

Cooperation over competition
Flocks of birds. Schools of fish. Colonies of ants. Their strength is in numbers as they can fend off larger predators, move faster, and mate more easily. Daphne Klotsa, an applied physicist, studies how these biological swarms function in hopes to improve how humans and automated technologies navigate the world.

Carolina hosts sixth annual Learning Through Languages High School Research Symposium
High school students from across North Carolina recently gathered virtually for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University’s sixth annual Learning through Languages High School Research Symposium awards ceremony.

The future of language learning in North Carolina
Pedagogical experts on world language instruction from across North Carolina recently participated in “The Future of Language Learning in North Carolina,” a virtual panel discussion about the direction of teaching and learning of world languages in the state. The panel was held in conjunction with Carolina’s sixth annual Learning through Languages High School Research Symposium.
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