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University Teaching Awards collage. Clockwise from top: Elizabeth Havice, Frank Leibfarth, Richard Goldberg, Brian Taylor, Yuki Aratake.

Tanner Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Learn more about how one professor made his large classes feel small and another showed how topics studied in class are applied and used .

An African American family sits around the kitchen table talking.

Carolina Population Center receives $38.2 million to study adult health and aging

The new grants will enable researchers to follow the original adolescent cohort into their 40s with a sixth wave of data collection and dissemination.

Photo of Vietnamese landscape

Tar Heels connect with Vietnamese language, culture in new program

The University’s new Vietnamese language pilot program is allowing students to enroll in introductory Vietnamese language classes at SOAS University of London.

The author Brian Foster is pictured at left with the book cover at right in this collage.

Bookmark This

Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni. This month’s book: “I Don’t Like the Blues: Race, Place and the Backbeat of Black Life” by Carolina alumnus B. Brian Foster.

Bell tower on UNC-Chapel Hill's campus during Spring

The 2021 Graduate School Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Awards

Each year, The Graduate School recognizes four doctoral candidates or recent doctoral graduates for creating exceptional dissertations.

New initiative will study technology and the adolescent brain

When Jim Winston Jr. (’B.A. history ’81, Ph.D. psychology ’92) walks his kids into school, he passes through throngs of older students — heads down, glued to their cell phones.

Bringing sociology to the business world — and beyond

Lindsay Guzowski (M.A. sociology ’04) credits her time and experiences at UNC-Chapel Hill with setting her on the path to where she is today.