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Bookmark This

December 4, 2020

Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni, published on the first Friday of each month. This month we feature the late Randall Kenan’s “If I Had Two Wings: Stories.”

Carolina in my mind

April 29, 2020

“The time has come where I can only go to Carolina in my mind. I won’t have the May graduation I imagined. But what a wonder it is to forever have this place in my mind, in my heart, in … Read more

Carolina People: Jennifer Larson

March 31, 2020

Larson is using her experience teaching online courses to serve as a peer mentor to her colleagues during the University’s transition to remote learning.

The occasional poet

February 25, 2020

Carolina’s new writer-in-residence talks about her poetry and what she hopes to accomplish on campus. On Feb. 25, poet and National Book Award winner Nikky Finney will give a reading from her upcoming book of poetry as the new Frank B. … Read more

Leveled-Up Learning

February 21, 2020

The Greenlaw Gameroom is a one-of-a-kind space at UNC. Through the conduit of video games, students learn across disciplines, explore the ancient world, analyze the horror genre, and conduct surveys.