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A female dental patient lays in a chair while a dental professional discusses things with her in an exam.

FDA clears new 3D dental X-ray device based on UNC research

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s clearance of the novel 3D intraoral x-ray technology based on UNC-Chapel Hill research means quicker and more detailed imaging, less radiation.

Carolina Blue Honors Fellowship to Reach More Students

The Carolina Blue Honors Fellowship has been expanded to reach more UNC students with additional funding from Ricky May. This will build on the Carolina Blue Fellowship’s momentum pre-COVID-19 and will ensure the long-term success of the program. 

Bryce Jones

Meet a new Tar Heel: Bryce Jones

Incoming first-year student Bryce Jones, a Robertson Scholar, is focused on one goal at Carolina: becoming a better person.

Justin Nolan

Meet a new Tar Heel: Justin Nolan

As a high school teacher, Justin Nolan has spent his professional career helping North Carolina students succeed. This fall, he will return to school to pursue a master’s in city and regional planning to take his passion for helping improve the lives of children to a grander scale.

Sarah Giang

Meet a new Tar Heel: Sarah Giang

For her entire life, incoming first-year student Sarah Giang has heard stories about what being a Carolina student is like. Her own Carolina experience begins this week.

Black and white photo shows actors from the 1976-77 production of "The Crucible."

Bookmark This

Bookmark This is a monthly feature that highlights new books by College people. This month’s featured book: “PlayMakers Repertory Company: A History,” edited by Bobbi Owen and Adam Versényi.

PHoto of an empty stage at night, surrounded by curtains and a glowing purple light.

The acting class for non-actors

William Shakespeare famously captured the theatricality of life when he wrote, “All the world’s a stage,” and this summer, Carolina students enrolled in the drama elective “Beginning Acting for Non-Drama Majors” have been learning just how apt that maxim is.

Looking for College stories older than 2020? Visit our news archive.
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