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Research UNCovered: Benjamin Frey

March 11, 2020

Benjamin Frey is an assistant professor in the Department of American Studies. He studies the Cherokee language, now endangered, in order to recover the social networks, spaces, domains and means of transference that once allowed it to thrive.

Was the Bible’s Gospel of John author fake?

March 9, 2020

In a paper published on March 2 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, UNC-Chapel Hill religious studies assistant professor Hugo Mendez explains for the first time that the texts for the Bible’s Gospel of John and 1 John, 2 John and 3 John were likely written by multiple authors falsely claiming to be a single person close to Jesus.

Bookmark This

March 6, 2020

Bookmark This is a feature that highlights new books by College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni, published on the first Friday of every month. This month’s featured book is “Speaking of Feminism: Today’s Activists on the Past, Present and Future of the U.S. Women’s Movement” (UNC Press, September 2019) by Rachel F. Seidman.

Building a diverse intellectual community

March 3, 2020

The Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity develops postdocs for possible tenure-track appointments at the University of North Carolina and other research universities.

25 earn 2020 University Teaching Awards

February 27, 2020

These awards recognize the dedication and determination of Carolina’s faculty and inspire our students to learn and grow. Many of the winners are from the College of Arts & Sciences.

25 earn 2020 University Teaching Awards

February 27, 2020

These awards recognize the dedication and determination of Carolina’s faculty and inspire our students to learn and grow. Many of the winners are from the College of Arts & Sciences.

A primary primer

February 25, 2020

Political science professor Sarah A. Treul shares her expertise on America’s confusing primary election process.