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I am very pleased to announce that, as part of our efforts in Action Steps for Equity, the Dean’s Office has three funding opportunities to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The projects that this funding supports will help fulfill two of our strategic plan priorities: Climate and Repair.

Faculty, staff and units across the College are eligible to apply. You may apply for more than one of the three funding sources, however, we will prioritize distributing the funds as widely as possible across the College.

All applications are due by March 1, 2023. We expect to make at least 30 awards in total. Award decisions will be announced by mid-April.

The funding opportunities are on our DEI website and they are also listed below. Please click on the link for each to go to a specific webpage providing more details and application instructions for each.

DEI Grants for Education:  to support trainings and other forms of education concerning diversity, equity and inclusion

Who may apply: Unit chairs, directors and/or Diversity Liaisons on behalf of and for the benefit of the unit

Award Amount: up to $6000 per unit

DEI Grants for Unit Enhancement: to support projects that will develop or enhance DEI initiatives within units

Who may apply: Unit chairs, directors, and/or Diversity Liaisons on behalf of and for the benefit of the unit

Award Amount: up to $7,000 per unit

DEI Grants for Research: to support research on topics directly relevant to diversity, equity and inclusion and/or that informs about UNC’s history and present as it concerns diversity and equity

Who may apply: faculty and staff who are pursuing research

Award Amount: up to $7,000 per award

With best regards,


Karla Slocum

Senior Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

College of Arts and Sciences

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